Friday, February 7, 2025

WestJet’s latest video will make you cry happy tears

Canadian airline WestJet has posted a new video that’s gaining traction and spreading happiness. This time, the video is done in partnership with Make-A-Wish Canada and WestJet Cares for Kids.

Karl, a member of WestJet’s cabin crew and a volunteer at Make-A-Wish, has helped grant wishes, make a difference in the community, and put a smile on thousands of children in his three years at the company.

The video profiles three families and the difference Karl has made on their lives. Little gestures of kindness like special on-board announcements and airport greetings to help take the fear out of flying and bring some cheer to their day.

Then, WestJet brought the families together to give him a big thank you in the form of a special round of applause and gift from the team. And cue happy tears!

Watch the video and see for yourself.

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Source: WestJet

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Winston Sih
Winston Sih
Winston is currently a freelance technology and travel broadcast journalist, consultant, and is the creator and founder of Master Travellr—Canada’s destination for travel news, guides, and budget recommendations.
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