The Importance of RSVP’ing
RSVP – short for “Répondez, s’il vous plait” – means to “please respond.” It is your invitation to let them know whether or not you plan on attending their function. Not replying to an RSVP can be interpreted as rude as they’re busy planning the amount of food to serve to guests, party supplies, drinks, etc. By withholding your RSVP, you’re preventing the host or hostess from accurately preparing for the function.
Being a Timely Guest
Party hosts often need to time out food service so that hors d’oeuvres are fresh and ready just when the guests are arriving. Being on-time is crucial – you don’t want to arrive late. You don’t want to add extra stress on the cook of having to keep the food warm. Plus, if you arrive early, simply mingle with the other party guests.
Bring a Gift for the Host
Taking a bottle of sparkling wine or a few pre-mixed cocktails would be great choices for the host or hostess. For more creative and fun host gift ideas, take a look at our feature, here.
Be Prepared to “Schmooze”
As the saying goes, don’t be a party pooper. Prepare yourself by thinking of a few easy conversation topics – recent movies, funny work stories and recent news are great starting points. Remember to avoid controversial topics like religion and politics.
Eat/Drink Responsibly
Don’t arrive at the party with an empty stomach. You don’t want to arrive ready to devour everything in sight. As a rule of thumb, when it comes to drinks, only grab two – a party with an intoxicated person is never fun.
Help with the Clean Up
Once the dinner party is done, offer to help clean up. If someone has gone to the effort of cooking a delicious meal, they shouldn’t have to do the dishes, too. Step in, and offer to assist – even if they protest against it.
Write a Thank You Note
Finally, remember to write a kind thank you note to the host or hostess for inviting you to their party.
What guest tips do you have? Sound off in the comments below!