Monday, March 31, 2025

17 things not to do on the airplane

While airplanes get more cramped and our patience is tested, travelling can be more stressful than ever before.

A survey from Genfare looked at frequent flyers and surveyed top travel annoyances, and some of these might surprise you.

Read: Your travel pet peeves

Getting Seat Kicked – 54%

Crying Baby/Child – 27%

Body Odor – 26%

Talkative Passenger – 23%

Inattentive Parents – 21%

Drunk Passenger – 18%

Getting Your Seat Pulled Back or Leaned on – 17%

Snoring Passenger- 15%

People Rushing to Get off Plane as Soon as it Gets to the Gate – 15%

Passenger Reclining Seat – 15%

Putting Feet up or Between Seats – 13%

Bringing Smelly Food on Flight – 11%

Man-Spreading (a.k.a sitting with legs wide apart) – 7%

Passenger Removing Shoes or Socks – 6%

Bright Screens on Phones or iPads During Nighttime Flights – 3%

Non-Service Dogs – 2%

Dressing Sloppy (ie. wearing pajamas/sweatpants on flight) – 1%


Additionally, 64 per cent of surveyed think it’s ok to take shoes off, but it’s not OK to remove your socks.

Are you guilty of any of these? Want to add anything to this list? Comment below!

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Winston Sih
Winston Sih
Winston is currently a freelance technology and travel broadcast journalist, consultant, and is the creator and founder of Master Travellr—Canada’s destination for travel news, guides, and budget recommendations.


  1. I am a frequent flyer, and yes, I am one of those that takes my shoes off…BUT, I always have fuzzy socks or slipper socks to put on.

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