The truth is, I’ve always had a secret passion for food. I’m often cruising through cook books, trying new restaurants, and discovering new cooking shows! This CityLine blog has often been very technology-oriented, but living “The Digital Life” doesn’t always have to be “geeky.”
We live in a world of blogs, apps, smartphones, and there’s literally something for everyone! In my online travels, I stumbled upon Andrew Dobson, a self-proclaimed “Professional Foodie,” based out of Toronto. In the last installment of the five-part series I call “The Digital (Foodie) Life,” I got the opportunity to chat with the founder of the dobbernationLOVESblog, and speak about the trend of video blogging, and how you can find the unknown gems of your own city.
Dobson says he’s constantly amazed and inspired by the work put out by some of the world’s top Food Stylists. People eat with their eyes first, so having stellar food presentation is key when it comes to pleasing your dinner guests.
“I often find myself up late at night whisking myself through the eye popping images featured on Katie Quinn Davies food blog, “What Katie Ate.” Following a Food Stylist’s blog rather than just a simple recipe encyclopedia website gets your creative juices flowing.”
On the blog, expert food stylists decompose a meal by showcasing how we are to serve it; what instruments we use to prepare each dish; and incorporate a suggested décor into the mix.
Dobson tells me that as a food and travel blogger who regularly finds himself developing his own recipes, he looks to Katie for inspiration in how to capture the essence of a dish in a way that tells a compelling and engaging story.
Next time you are looking for inspiration at the table, check out Katie Quinn Davies, and what she’s up to in her Sydney kitchen. In the next – and last – installment of “The Digital (Foodie) Life,” we’ll take a look at “TasteSpotting.”
Have a question for the blog? Send me an email, me@winstonsih.com, or send me a Tweet,@WinstonSih is the place to go!
Repost from CityLine.ca