Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Canadian textual phone habits revealed

Virgin Mobile Canada finds that as the weather gets cooler, Canadians are turning up the heat – shockingly sending steamy messages at work, church, and even family reunions.

“The facts are in.  Whether it’s sultry or sweet, daters love to have good text in their life,” said Andrew Bridge, managing director at Virgin Mobile Canada.

Courtesy Virgin Mobile Canada

In a survey conducted by Leger Marketing for Virgin Mobile, Canadians feel very strongly for having proper texting etiquette – an increasingly important aspect in relationships and dating.

According to the survey, one in four Canadians say that adding someone on Facebook is usually how they make the first move with a love-interest.

62 per cent of young Canadians report engaging with a prospective lover through text, and 40 per cent believe texting has enhanced their love life.

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The survey says the number one place for sending steamy messages is in the office.  30 to 34 year olds are most likely to send “sexy textys” while on the clock.

Canadians surveyed most commonly said that texting made them braver and flirtier.

The survey below gives you a crash course on what matters most to Canadians:

–       Your English teacher was right – grammar does matter!  The number one texting turnoff was bad spelling or grammar when texting with potential dates so watch your spelling carefully.

–       Young Canadians want a side of personality with that text.  Don’t be afraid to let the true you shine in those messages, because texts lacking personality ranked as one of the top texting turnoffs.

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–       Slow to respond?  You give flaccid text.  Half of women surveyed shared that a slow response time will get you nowhere because an immediate response to a text screams, “very interested.”  Men, just because the clocks fall behind this season, doesn’t mean you can.  Throw out the “three day rule” playbook and text your lady back already!

–       Poke! Poke! has officially replaced the Ring! Ring!  23 per cent of Canadians who are dating like to use Facebook to make the first move, while only 19 per cent would consider calling a potential suitor.  Time to update that Facebook profile!

When it comes to specific texting trends per province, this is what the survey said:

–       Atlantic Canada deserves a big thumbs award.  More than three quarters (78 per cent) of Maritimers using text messaging to keep in touch with a love interest or significant other.

–       Quebecers are the most patient.  23 per cent thought that waiting a week to respond to a text was playing hard to get.

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–       To Ontarians, texting is the new wingman!  Half of Ontarians surveyed say that texting makes their love life better.

–       Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents are too sexy to be shy.  When it comes to sending sexy messages, 42 per cent of them admit to this steamy behavior.

–       B.C., the brave.  British Columbia is home to some of the most fearless Canadians, and we’re not just talking on the slopes.  More than half of west coasters surveyed say they are braver via text.

–       Don’t expect an Albertan to kiss and tell.  When asked how exciting their text life is compared to their sex life – one-fifth didn’t know or preferred not to say.

“More than a third of Canadians first ask someone out via text and one-quarter of Canadians do it via Facebook.  And, almost half of Canadians will send a text to their crush after a first date,” Bridge said.  “Daters are just more comfortable making those first few moves with the right steamy text.”

For a full view of the infographic on Canadian textual phone habits, click here.

**The survey was completed online from August 30th to September 7th, 2012 using Leger Marketing’s online panel, LegerWeb, with a sample of 1045 Canadians aged 18 to 34 who own a mobile phone.  A probability sample of the same size would yield a margin of error of ±3.0 per cent, 19 times out of 20. ** 

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Winston Sih
Winston Sih
Winston is currently a freelance technology and travel broadcast journalist, consultant, and is the creator and founder of Master Travellr—Canada’s destination for travel news, guides, and budget recommendations.


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