Monday, March 31, 2025

Forget something in your Uber? Here’s how to get it back

  • Lethbridge, Alta., tops list of “most forgetful Canadian cities”
  • Smartphones are the most commonly forgotten item

It’s never a fun feeling… Realizing you’ve lost something and you’re panicking to retrace your steps to retrieve your belonging.

Ride-share service Uber is out with their annual Lost & Found Index, highlighting just how forgetful some of us are. A look at the list shows most forgetful cities in Canada, as well as common and outrageous items often left behind.

On the list of top 10 includes phones, wallets, keys, even vape pens, but there are some pretty unusual ones on the list, too.

According to Uber, riders are most forgetful on Saturdays and Sundays between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m., and New Years and Halloween are the worst days of the year.

The 10 most “forgetful” Canadian cities

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  1. Lethbridge, AB
  2. Niagara Region, ON
  3. Kitchener-Waterloo, ON
  4. Montreal, QC
  5. Quebec City, QC
  6. Hamilton, ON
  7. Gatineau, QC
  8. Toronto, ON
  9. London, ON
  10. Edmonton, AB

Canada’s 10 most commonly forgotten items

  1. Phone/camera
  2. Wallet/purse
  3. Keys
  4. Backpack/bags
  5. Clothing
  6. Glasses
  7. Vape/e-cig
  8. Headphones
  9. Jewelry/watch/makeup
  10. Water bottle/thermos

Canada’s most outrageous lost items

  • Black whip
  • Glass eyes
  • Shower curtain pole
  • Graduation certificate
  • Ukulele
  • Fake potted plant
  • Wedding cards
  • Dentures
  • Homework
  • Wedding ring
  • Gold teeth
  • Poutine
  • Asthma pump
  • Insulin
  • Walking stick

What to do if you forget something in an Uber:

  1. Tap “Your Trips” and select the trip where you left something
  2. Tap “I lost an item”
  3. Tap “Contact driver about a lost item”
  4. Scroll down and enter the phone number you would like to be contacted at. Tap submit.
  5. If you lost your personal phone, enter a friend’s phone number (you can do this by logging into your account on a computer, or using a friend’s phone).
  6. Your phone will ring and connect you directly with your driver’s mobile number.
  7. If your driver picks up and confirms that your item has been found, coordinate a mutually convenient time and place to meet for its return to you.
  8. If your driver doesn’t pick up, leave a detailed voicemail describing your item and the best way to contact you.

What have you left behind? Leave a comment below!

Source: Uber Canada

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Winston Sih
Winston Sih
Winston is currently a freelance technology and travel broadcast journalist, consultant, and is the creator and founder of Master Travellr—Canada’s destination for travel news, guides, and budget recommendations.
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